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*2008-9-2 Update Picasa, Manly Scenic Walkway

*2008-9-2 Update 想烤蕃薯的星C客 (CC Life Blog), Manly Scenic Walkway



C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 1

English part Below.

趁著1 May台灣和新加坡都放假,和小民兩人分別出發在曼谷會合。行前做了不少功課,自助旅行總是會有些無法預期的意外產生,也為旅途增加不同的回憶。由於五一的連續假期,小民無法訂到星期五晚上由台灣出發前往曼谷航班,也為了省點旅費,改成星期六晚上出發,在曼谷機場會合。

利用泰國落地簽,花個1000泰銖享受快速通關感覺其實也挺好的。填寫Visa On Arrival申請書時,有個中國女生向我借筆,也請我幫忙她填入境表,因為她的英文真的不行,這實在也令我佩服她的勇氣,在英文不大行的狀況來這種地方旅遊。不過也幸好現在是五一大陸黃金周,一堆大陸人出國玩,我想要碰到會講中文的人也相對來得多。

和小民兩人都是第一次到曼谷,原以為曼谷機場和新加坡機場一樣是依照拖運行李不同航班不同belt的出口,出發前說定依航班的出口點會合,若是晚上十一點半仍無遇到,則改成在Meeting Point會合,若很不幸的在凌晨一點前仍沒碰到面,只好各自出發在飯店見面。由於我的班機比小民早到,一發現不對,改在Information Centre前等小民(都是Terminal 1幸好只有一個出口)也給我等到了。當然早到的人也有義務做些功課,先在Tourist Information Centre (領完行李出來後的4號櫃台)詢問一些當地的狀況,也拿些地圖或資料。當天值班的泰國服務人員叫做Kiatbordin Kaewpraparn 或直接縮稱為Din,和他聊了差不多有十來分鐘吧,他很熱心給我他的電話和Email,若有任何問題可以給他打電話,他可以帶我到處走,但由於我們家小民可能會吃醋,只能說有需要會聯繫請他幫忙。一抵達泰國遇到這麼熱心的人,真的令人安心許多。

在曼谷機場坐Taxi,經由許多前輩在網路上分享的經驗,直奔3F出境大廳外招車(省掉50 Baht的排班計程車費用)謹記著Meter是不二法門,也算讓我們坐去New World Lodge Hotel-第一晚的住宿飯店。本想全程都住民宿,但大部分民宿都不允許在晚上六點後無先付款而Check in,才以便宜飯店作為第一晚選擇。再到附近小吃店吃夜宵,很有台灣"海產攤"(台語)的感覺,不過當然是泰式小吃囉!Phad Thai, Som Tam 加個飲料就是第一晚的宵夜啦!

泰國曼谷行相關文章 Thailand Bangkok trip Link

  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 2
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 3
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 4
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 5
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 6 & Day 7
  • 曼谷行重點整理(有Excel檔下載Link)

1-May is a public holiday both in Taiwan and Singapore, Min and I flew from different location but meet each other in Bangkok. We did a lot homework before this trip, independent travel always has unexpected accident but only increase more fun. For saving flight ticket money and Friday flight difficult booking, we flew on Saturday and start our Bangkok trip.

You can have an express custom check using visa on arrival (1000 Baht). There’s a China girl borrow pen from me and ask me to help her fill the arrival application form because of her poor English, this let me very admire her courage, after all, you need to survive in this non-Chinese country, but she was lucky because 1-May is the golden holiday of China, bunch of China people have an oversea travel, she could meet plenty of Chinese speaking tourists.

Min and I both first arrive in Bangkok, we thought the airport should be the same as Singapore we could meet each other in the luggage belt gate. We has a plan if we could not meet each other in front of the gate before 11:30 pm, 2nd meeting spot will be the Terminal 1 Arrival Hall Meeting Point, if not meet each other before 1:00 am, then directly take MRT to hotel. My arrival is earlier than Min, when found the plan will be total different than we expected, I changed the meeting point directly wait him in front of the exit (Information Centre). Before that I need to understand more information about Bangkok and get more documentations or city map, that day service counter is a Thai person called Kiatbordin Kaewpraparn or just called him Din, he is very kind and gave me a lot useful information even left his phone number and email to me. Make me feel great about this country.

Taxi taking experience in Bangkok airport shared by the internet told us using meter and saved money by hiring outside of the departure hall, we can save 50B schedule fee. The 1st night we will stay in New World Lodge Hotel, originally we all want to live in Guest House during whole trip, but most of them not allow to check in without pay after 6:00pm, change the mind and choose the cheap hotel as our 1st stay. After check in we go out to have some lat snack-Thai restaurant, kind of the feeling of Taiwan seafood stall. Phad Thai, Som Tam and plus drinks, yummy!


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