** 公告 **

*2008-9-2 Update Picasa, Manly Scenic Walkway

*2008-9-2 Update 想烤蕃薯的星C客 (CC Life Blog), Manly Scenic Walkway





  • Khao Shan Road 拷森路或高山路
  • Chatuchak Market (Telat Nat Jatujak)恰都恰周末市場
  • Sai Tai,南區巴士總站。(Southern Bus Station)
  • Grand Palace,皇宮。
  • Damnoen Saduak Floating Market,當能沙朵水上市場。
  • Wat Pho,臥佛寺。

  • 曼谷機場3F出境大廳外可搭乘計程車,切記用Meter的方式。不然會被司機漫天喊價。
  • 由機場到New World Lodge Hotel約200 Baht,可以先將飯店的地址和地圖印出給司機當參考。
  • 由Khao Shan Road到Sai Tai約55 Baht。
  • 由Khao Shan Road到Hua 約60 Baht。
  • 由Khao Shan Road到Chatuchak Market計程車應不超過100 Baht。
  • 由Sai Tai到Grand Palace約70 Baht。
  • 由China Town到Khao Shan Road約60 Baht。
  • 由Hua Lamphong Railway Station到Grand Palace約80 Baht。
  • 儘量不要搭乘黃綠的計程車,此為個人的。其它顏色都是有車行的計程車,較有保障。(由Din提供)。

船(Fare, Route Map)
  • Damnoen Saduak Floating Market,當能沙朵水上市場船。一般為一艘船300B,殺價功力就看各位怎麼談了。
  • 由臥佛寺(Tha Tien碼頭)到China Town(Tha Ratchawong碼頭)搭程無標誌船為11 Baht(跨兩個Zone)。
  • Tha Tien只有一般渡輪到鄭王廟,或是無標誌船(Local Lane, No Flag)停所有右半邊的碼頭站,這兩種的搭車點在隔壁但渡輪是先收錢才上船,而一般標誌船則是上船後才收費。
  • 無標誌船,Local Lane(No Flag)收費價格為9B(一個Zone內),11B(跨兩個Zone),13B(三個Zone)。
  • 橘旗船,Orang Express Lane價格為全線都是13B。
  • 黃旗船,Yellow Express Lane價格為18B(N30 Nonthaburi(Pibul 3)<->Central Pier Sathorn (Taksin))和27B(N30 Nonthaburi(Pibul 3)<->S4 Ratburana (Big C))。
  • 藍旗船,Blue Express Lane價格為18B和27B。
  • Ayutthaya渡輪,一人3B,腳踏車2B

  • 由Sai Tai到Damnoen Saduak Floating Market(當能沙朵水上市場)單程冷氣996或78巴士為一人78 Baht。但是冷氣不怎麼冷,汗流夾背。約兩小時可到達。回程搭車只能搭996。

  • 由Hua Lamphong Railway Station到Ayutthaya單程票20B

  • Ayutthaya,火車站前約一天30B,坐渡輪到市區內一日約50B,半日可講價到30B

  • New World Lodge Hotel可經由網路訂購,一晚冷氣雙人房US$21。距離Khao Shan Road很近。房內有電視、冰箱、浴室、衣櫃和衣架,提供盥洗用具肥皂、浴帽、棉花棒、廁所衛生紙、洗髮精、浴巾、室內拖鞋。無吹風機、牙刷、牙膏等。
  • Lamphu House,地點75 Soi Rambutri,電話02 629 5861-2,Email: info@lamphuhouse.com。建議先以Email或電話提前兩周預約。Lamphu House第一晚本來沒有預約到冷氣房,可能是早Check In,所以還是有冷氣房。房間乾淨簡單而且安靜,但沒有提供盥洗用品(肥皂、洗髮精、牙刷、牙膏等)、吹風機和冰箱。Locker免費,可以將貴重物品鎖起來,也有Internet Access 20min 10B。附近有Massage和7-11。感謝第一晚值班櫃台小姐借我她私用的吹風機,忘了問名字。
  • Suk 11,地點1/33 Sukhumvit 11, Sukhumvit Road,電話02 253-5927,02 253-5928。建議先以Email或電話提前兩周預約。房間乾淨簡單安靜而且空間很大,提供早餐0730-1000,無盥洗用品(肥皂、洗髮精、牙刷、牙膏等)、無吹風機。公用冰箱和洗衣機。附近有Massage和7-11。

Khao Shan Road
  • La Casa餐廳 Pizza + 前菜 + 2 Drinks約500 Baht。
  • Tom Yam Kung,24hr,在Khao San Road屈臣氏的巷子走入可見。Tom Yam Kung小鍋,綠咖哩雞Green Curry Chicken,Fried Mixed Vegetables混合炒青菜,Fried Pork with Basil set meal總共400B。蠻正宗的泰國菜,不過個人覺得和在新加坡吃到的泰國菜味道差不多,只是便宜很多。
Bangkok Downtown
  • The Spice Market泰式料理位於四季酒店內。消費較高,推薦紅咖哩鴨肉,好吃,兩人四道菜約1200 Baht左右。
  • Lenotre法式蛋糕店位在Siam Paragon,極力推薦Moelleux Chocolate 195 Baht,放在櫃台已做好的不建議點,還是現做的比較好。

Chatuchak Market
  • 尼泊爾絲裙+上衣,開價為540B,以450B成交。
  • 泰國特色背包2個,開價為320B,以260B成交。
  • 寬綁褲,開價為280B,以240B成交。
  • 兩雙皮拖鞋,開價為400B,以360B成交。
  • 紀念品鑰匙圈和Memo夾,3個100B,購買15個成交價為450B(原價500B)。
  • 紀念品大象掛飾(原價220B)+蠋台(原價75B),以200B成交。
  • 蠋台,以60B成交。
Khao Shan Road
  • 紀念品錢包,1個60B,購買8個成交價為400B(原價480B)。

  • Khao Shan Road附近,Thai Massage 1hr多以180B到200B,Foot Massage 1hr 250B,Oil Massage則是1hr 250B。
  • Suk 11 附近,Thai Massage 1hr為220B,Foot Massage 1hr 250B。

  • Khao Shan Road,一公斤為30B。
  • Rambutri Road(在Khao Shan Road附近),一公斤為25B。
  • Suk11附近,一公斤為100B。

  • Grand Palace,皇宮,每日0830-1530。需穿有袖子的上衣(不能為無袖就行了)和長褲,鞋子可為涼鞋,但不可為拖鞋。入門票一人250B(包含National MuseumVimanmek Mansion Museum 維曼默宮/柚木皇宮和的門票)。免費英文導覽, 1000, 1030, 1100, 1300, 1330, 1400,或可租借語音導覽。下次我還要再去一次,這次已經走到一半才發現在語音導覽可租借,有點兒後悔。
  • Wat Pho (臥佛寺),入門票一人50B。每日0800-1700。
  • Damnoen Saduak Floating Market,當能沙朵水上市場,建議提早出發,9:00後就很熱了。到Sai Tai搭巴士996或是78。

泰國曼谷行相關文章 Thailand Bangkok trip Link

  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 1
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 2
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 3
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 4
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 5
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 6 & Day 7

C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 6 & Day 7

English Session Below.

第六天行程很簡單-Shopping,買內衣(尺寸不是很全,我個人覺得有點兒難買)、Boots、Levis再加上Naraya的曼谷包,總之就是大採購。大家千交代萬叮嚀要在Siam Centre拿折扣卡,沒特別提醒的Robinson,等去櫃台填寫VAT退稅申請單時才發現原來也有5%的折扣卡,另外連Siam Paragon也有。看來是只要是Shopping Mall就一定要先去問有無Discount Card,以免喪失權益。Naraya買曼谷包時發現持有JCB卡也可以打95折,各位水水們有JCB卡也可多加利用。

午餐在Spice Market享用泰式料理,之前看旅遊玩家曼谷p13和Mook曼谷清邁美食旅行p75時有介紹,可能因為出版時日期離現在久遠,可能會和我一樣努力地找麗晶酒店(The Regent),才發現根本沒有這間,已改為Four Season(四季酒店),著名的Spice Market就在裡頭。它們的餐點真的不錯,頗精緻,當然價格也相對較高,偶爾奢侈一下也是挺好的。柚子蝦沙拉紅咖哩鴨肉鳳梨炒飯蝦餅,另外有免費前菜提供,加上10%服務費和7%VAT,兩人共吃掉1280B。雖然也有套餐850B和1050B,但這些都是一人份,且裡頭的餐點不一定是我們想吃的,決定還是用單點的方式將此行中沒有吃到的泰式料理品嘗一番。

下午在Siam Paragon逛累時小民終於滿足了CC這幾天一直嚷嚷的下午茶,(老實說,吃的時候已經下午五點多,有點算晚茶),Siam Paragon地下一樓有許多餐廳,找了家法式蛋糕店Lenotre,熱呼呼的Moelleux Chocolate搭以杏仁冰淇淋、Plaisir indv.的特殊口感,喝口錫蘭紅茶,幸福的滋味滿溢。下午茶充電讓我有精力再去感受曼谷夜生活,PatPong的五光十色、SuanLum夜市人潮洶湧,都是曼谷的不同風貌。晚餐兼宵夜就在靠近Lumphini MRT入口(Suan Lum Night Bazaar) Food Area感受曼谷的小吃文化,來盤Phin(拼法不確定,唸起來如fin,包菜腸粉)、Nam(糯米包鹹料)、Dim Sum、烤物,再搭配Matun Juice(有點像很甜的青草茶),就是極豐盛的一餐。

最後一天不敢排任何的行程,整理完行李在suk 11免費早點Check out後,到Big C買名產(只買到肉鬆餅、香蕉餅,卻沒看到肉鬆蛋捲,回來後問同事才知在China Town有賣)。隨便在咖啡店吃點簡餐打發午餐,天氣看來很糟糕,請suk 11幫忙叫車先到機場去。雖然提早抵達機場,有時間也把機場環境認識一番,原來Terminal 1和Terminal 2用走路就可以過去,而且Terminal 2新很多。提早到機場的人也可以在Terminal 1和Terminal 2交界處的4F做做Massage,供各位參考一下。


泰國曼谷行相關文章 Thailand Bangkok trip Link

  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 1
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 2
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 3
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 4
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 5
  • 曼谷行重點整理(有Excel檔下載Link)
6th day – only shopping in the schedule, underwear (I think not easy shopping due to incomplete size range), Boots Cosmetics, Levis and Naraya bags shopping. Remember to register for discount card in shopping mall customer service counters, such as Siam Centre, Robinson, Siam Paragon, etc.; you can get 5% - 15% off discount. For Naraya, you can use JCB card to have 5% off discount. Also don’t forget the VAT refund for over 2000 Baht in one day.

We had our Thai lunch in the Spice Market, which introduced by Book - travelers Bangkok p13 and Mook Bangkok and Chiang Mai Cuisine travel p75. There are some errors on the book, the hotel name is incorrect, it should be the Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok instead of The Regent. It is really delicious, O Som Tom, Red Curry Duck, Pineapple fried rice, prawn cake, and free appetizer, it costs us 1280 Baht including 10% service fee and 7% VAT. We strongly suggested.

We had an afternoon tea in Siam Paragon, French cake store – Lenotre, hot Moelleux Chocolate with Almond ice cream, Plaisir indv special flavour, drink a cup of Ceylon tea. After the high tea we wander night Bangkok, PatPong, SuanLum night bazaar, all different view of Bangkok. Our dinner is Bangkok street culture, stalls in Suan Lum Night Bazaar Food courts, Phin, Nam, Dim Sum, BBQ, and Matun Juice, it is never enough for more street food.

We don’t schedule any trip during final day, only packaging and buy some local food souvenir in Big C. Eat set lunch in coffee shop and directly head to airport, finish our Bangkok trip. I definitely will go back to Bangkok again for more cuisine, I miss the food there.


C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 5

English Seession Below.

Lamphu House的最後一天,接下來兩晚將在suk 11度過。悠閒的在一樓餐廳吃完早餐辦理完check out手續(行李寄放在Lamphu House),出發前往National Museum。途中經過可愛的消防栓,兩人把它的模樣照下來後,有個當地人向我們解釋它是噴水滅火用的(老實說,大家應該都知道吧!),並和我們閒聊起來。來自清邁的他說不是很適應曼谷炎熱天氣,接著介紹身旁另一位泰國人-他的老師,老師熱心詢問我們要去哪裡,是不是學生,甚至告知我們這天是Buddha Festival,進去所有的Temple都不收費。還可以去S.S.S.做藍寶石工藝,他說SSS相當於泰國expo outlet,且今天是展覽最後一天,不加收任何的稅。此外還介紹去三個Temple再加上SSS,一個是Wat Hni (Happy Buddha),一個是Wat Som (Lucky Buddha),再到SSS後,最後去Wat Bon。解釋說因為今天是Buddha Day,黃招牌Tuk Tuk車司機是政府TukTuk車,不能多收錢,以40 Baht可以載我們全程。本來和小民打算先去博物館後,再考慮要不要再去看Temple,熱心的老師幫我們招了Tuktuk車,且和司機說我們要去這四個地方,要求Tuk Tuk車不可以多收錢。在這時,我們都還覺得他們人真好,但在第二間Wat Som時遇到一個自稱在美國工作的泰國廚師(他的英文真的有美國腔),和我們聊了一下他在美國的生活狀況和泰國人在美國情況,又問我們要去哪裡,接著又說這次從美國回泰國休假也在SSS買了藍寶石,還拿出收據給我們看。一直說他買了藍寶石後拿回美國賣,可以賺這次休假的旅費。聊完後,我們才進去看Wat Som,但是在整修什麼都沒看到,要離開時被看似廟方的人員問是否為旅客,我們回說是,要求我們留下名字和國籍在一個小便條本上。這時又有另一位自稱為英國的旅客簽完名字要離開,又和我們閒扯問說要去哪裡,當說到SSS時,他也拿出和上一位泰國廚師相同購買藍寶石收據,說London的泰國朋友介紹他來買,這時連廟方人員也說我們很幸運什麼的,泰國人都不能買,只有持有外國護照能夠享有免稅的折扣。

這時我們對SSS已猜測到是前輩們所說的珠寶店,而Tuk Tuk車司機是為了拿油票,只是沒想到他們居然是這樣子的串通,尤其是第一位自稱是老師的泰國人更是讓我失望。Tuk Tuk車司機問我們下一個停靠站是哪裡,我們回說最後一間廟,他覺得奇怪要求將那位老師寫的東西給他看一下,還問SSS為何跳過。回說沒有錢無法買珠寶,開始臉色變得不高興,並要求一定要停在珠寶店看一下。此時退讓與司機說只停靠五分鐘進去看一下就出來,可能進去SSS不到二分鐘時間就離開了,他載我們到Wat Bon就想走了。要求將我們載回National Museum,司機說那要100 Baht才可以,討價還價仍不行,要不然就是再回去SSS待一陣子他才願意載我們回去。交涉破裂後,他開著Tuk Tuk車走了。反正也沒什麼太多損失就先進去Wat Bon晃了一圈才離開,且發現仍有入門票,但想到是什麼Buddha Day就直接給它走進去,可能也因長得實在像泰國人,收入門票服務人員也沒有把我們叫住。回Lamphu House試圖攔了輛Tuk Tuk車企圖以30 Baht價格載我們回,司機一口英文也不會,最後以Taxi為交通工具回去拿行李再去suk 11辦理Check In。

萬分沒想到這種騙術愈來愈高明,以集團化的方式來運作,幸好本來就沒有什麼地方是非去不可。只當做花了40 Baht多看了三個寺廟,也學一次乖。一早這種經歷肚子也餓的嘰哩呱啦,午餐為韓式料理-海鮮煎餅和泡菜鍋,再來就是Shopping時間了。回到Suk 11時也有點晚了,只在附近的小吃攤以牛肉粿條解決,再加上個腳底按摩舒緩一下緊張刺激的一天。

泰國曼谷行相關文章 Thailand Bangkok trip Link

  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 1
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 2
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 3
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 4
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 6 & Day 7
  • 曼谷行重點整理(有Excel檔下載Link)
The final day in Lamphu House, we will have final 2 nights stay in Suk 11. After breakfast in 1st floor restaurant and check out (deposit our luggage in Lamphu House), we decide to go to National Museum (free if you have tickets of grand palace). On the way we took a photo of hydrant, a local explained to us it is for extinguishing fire (honestly I think everyone know it) and start the conversation. He told us he is from Chiang Mai not used to the hot weather in Bangkok, introduced us to his teacher. His teacher looks like to help people and tells us today is the final day of Buddha day, we can enter every temple for free all day, even help us hire a tuktuk and bargain for 40B for 3 Wats and 1 Jewelry working shop. We believed him and get in the tuktuk and find the truth in 2nd Wat (Wat Som), it is a tout, try to cheat us to the Jewelry shop to spend money. Not a good experience but we learnt a lesson; never believe people in Thailand who told it is cheap or something free.

It really disappoint me, we change the thinking of spending 40 Baht for 3 more Wats. Lunch is Korean cuisine - seafood pancake and kimichi pot, then shopping time. We eat beef noodle soup as dinner and ending this day with a foot massage.

C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 4

Englsih session below


抵達大城後,根據前輩及旅遊書指示,利用腳踏車做為大城一日遊的工具。搭渡輪過河後,再找腳踏車店租借車子。都快走到第一個遺跡仍任何的腳踏車店,看到路邊有兩台看來是租來的腳踏車,車籃裡還放著Lonely Planet,發揮路在嘴上的功力,問一下腳踏車主人是在哪裡租的車子。稍微折回去租車再繼續今天的旅程。(還好有租單車,不然可能會看到兩個烤焦的台灣人)

既然是遺跡,自然沒有曼谷看到的皇宮和寺廟那麼完整,但可以想見當時的壯麗,眾人膜拜情況。五月是泰國旅行的淡季不是沒有道理的,站在路旁沒兩分鐘就已汗如雨下,買瓶橘子汁降降溫似乎是消暑好方法。大城地處偏遠,物價也較曼谷便宜,小瓶橘子汁10B,烤香蕉一大包才20B。騎著單車有時風迎面吹來,比11路公車涼快許多。遺跡一般進入都要20-30B不等的入門票,先到Wat Ratburana,再騎到對過的Wat Mahathat,其中還有兩個日本人不識相的攀爬遺跡,被管理人員警告,我們還把他們不良行徑照了下來,供各位做警惕-告示牌標明不可攀爬遺跡、或將頭放在斷頭佛像上方(褻瀆神明)。午餐隨便在Wat Mahathat旁小吃店點兩份Phad Thai,稍事休息後騎往Wat Phra Si Saphet。途中看到不少旅行團坐在大象上拍照,在單車上拍拍大象和遊客對我們而言很滿足了,若是坐到一半大象吃東西就算了,等一下來個小解或大解的就挺尷尬的。Wat Phra Si Saphet內就是舊皇宮,很難去區分,我們進去後出來往前騎去找舊皇宮,但怎麼找都找不著,回頭問在Wat Phra Si Saphet門口的Tourist Information Centre才知,原來已看過舊皇宮居然不自知,真是有點兒丟人!

騎往過Khlong Sa Bua河的Wat Na Phra Meru,由於兩人已精疲力盡,再加上寺廟看多了,不是很想買門票進入,這裡特色是有個Principle Budda image。雖然沒有進入廟內看佛像,卻看到一群小沙彌下課排隊喝飲料。騎踏車租半日雖離還車還有段時間,但酷熱天氣下實在無法再進行古蹟行,騎回單車行還車後,麥當勞吹吹冷氣消消暑,點台灣新加坡不同的餐點,High Tea Time。打道回曼谷囉!

回到Khao Shan Raod做個按摩再以小吃為今日晚餐的重點,綜合水果補充維生素、配點奶油?拌玉米粒金黃洋蔥豚塊香味四溢夾蛋香蕉拉餅淋上濃郁煉奶、最後以起司埃及豆粉煎餅(Cheese Falafel)做為今日完美Ending。

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  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 2
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 3
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 5
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 6 & Day 7
  • 曼谷行重點整理(有Excel檔下載Link)
The most unlikely thing to do during the trip is waking up early to Ayutthaya, we need to overcome the sleepy. Our tickets are standing tickets, 1.5 hours trip not too long but not as short as you think, we only can sit on the seat seems to be vacant. The most strange thing is no ticket controller check our tickets before we enter the train, after the train left the station train conductor make Ka-Cha sound by his puncher, finds passengers like us hold the tickets haven’t been punched. We looks like two lost kids and keep pointing the tickets said Ayutthaya, he checked our tickets and wrote down “51-76”, points the truck rear ask us to find the seats. First we think it should be truck 51 seats 76, but we couldn’t find the truck number 51. Finally another conductor found us searching the seats and explains it means we can sit from seat 51 to 76. We suggested their IT system maybe not so good, it couldn’t control short term trip passengers seats, for avoiding trouble, just circle an area for short term. (No wonder we work in IT industry, always try to figure out what happening.)

We use bicycles as transportation in Ayutthaya according to other travelers’ experience, after we cross river by ferry. In the first we couldn’t find any bicycle rental store, luckily we found 2 bicycles had lonely planet in front of the basket and ask the rider where they rent the bike. You can rent the bike near Guest House and bargain for cheaper price if not renting whole day.

You can imagine how spectacular when back to the Ayutthaya age, people come to search peace, prosperity in this city. May is the low season traveling to Thailand; it is too hot you only need stand for 2 minutes you get sweat. It is a good way to get rid of the hot by drinking a bottle of orange juice; you can buy here cheaper than Bangkok, 10B for small bottle, even the baking banana only need 2B for a pack. Most Wats need admission to get in, about 20-30B. We ride to Wat Ratburana then cross street to Wat Mahathat, encounter 2 Japanese climbing the heritage and took photo as evidence; please don’t climb the heritage or put your head on the Buddha if you have chance to visit the temple. We had our lunch in the stall near Wat Mahathat, 2 Phad Thai. On the way to Wat Phra Si Saphet we saw tourist rode on elephants and took picture, this is enough for us, we don’t need to be on the elephant, incase if they stop and pea, it will be an embarrassing situation. We didn’t know old grand palace is inside of Wat Phra Si Saphet, after we came out asking the tourist information centre, kind of embarrassment at least we’ve been there.

The last Wat we visit is Wat Na Phra Meru over river Khlong Sa Bua, we didn’t buy admission to get in after all we are exhausted. There is a Principle Budda image in the Wat, although we didn’t get inside we met some little monks queue to get drink after class. We rode to return the bikes and had a light meal in McDonalds, it is nothing good after a whole sweating day and had a cold drinks. Back to Bangkok.

Dinner is Khao Shan Road street food. Mixed fruits, creaming corn, golden onion fried pork, banana Prata with egg, and Cheese Falafel as our today’s ending.

C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 3

English Session Below.

每每看旅遊介紹,總會提及著名的水上市場。為了貫徹曼谷全程自助旅行,決定搭計程車到Sai Tai(Southern Bus Station南區巴士總站)再搭巴士到Damnoen Saduak Floating Market(當能沙朵水上市場),然後租船。不過在此之前一天精力的來源-早餐,也要好好地享用。承蒙前輩們指引,7-11早餐是公認便宜又大碗的選擇,點了個可頌加生菜,再一瓶優酪乳就是我們兩人的早餐。


上車後完全不用擔心哪一站要下車,車掌小姐會提醒你。下車後有家船家,開價1人1000B,努力殺價後,以一小時20分鐘400 B一艘船成交(實際上好像只有開1hr,不過想想就算了)。成交後,你才會看到巴士開走,車掌小姐也有向船家收comminsion的,也是為什麼車掌小姐會提醒你下車的原因。若各位對於第一間船家不是很滿意,沿途還有很多船家選擇,用走的也能走到水上市場,但我們實在不怎麼耐熱,寧可在第一間船家就成交。接下來就是沿途看風景和一堆賣紀念品水上小販,船伕老是想把我們推向賣紀念品小販那裡,我們從一開始就表現出興趣缺缺,但經過賣食物的小販時,可是表現出極大的興趣。雖然早餐吃飽了,還是努力地硬塞食物進肚肚。我在想船伕可能覺得兩個"傲客"(台語)吧!不買東西只顧吃!

回去的巴士不是在下車處,而是要一直走過紅綠燈到對面路上搭車,沒有公車牌。個人覺得公車是屬於隨招隨停的,因為在第一間機車行前問小販,他們說在這裡等車就可以到曼谷了(Bus 996)。過不久又有兩位台灣旅客也要回去,他們拿出攻略,說到前面一點的診所搭車。所以我猜測只要過了對面,你高興站哪等就站哪兒等。不過,也因久遇台灣的鄉親聊得太開心了,居然錯過一班公車,只得再等一個小時。

午餐原計劃到Ching-Ki去吃,但經過兩個小時車程到曼谷南區巴士總站後,早已餓昏了。巴士站KFC旁有多間當地小吃店,找間人氣頗旺的打打牙祭。這裡英文完全無法溝通,比手劃腳才能吃到食物,再加上紙筆寫金額(我個人覺得蠻好吃的,有馬來風味,三道菜兩盤飯再加一罐菊花茶才120B)。來到曼谷自然要到皇宮走一遭,才不枉白來。玉樓金殿,巍巍錦繡簇雕檐。也讓人想起杜子春三入長安:進了門樓,只見殿宇廊廡,一?的金碧輝煌,耀睛奪目,儼如天宮一般。總之,皇宮只讓人覺得"金"字可形容。離開皇宮後可以步行到臥佛寺,行經Sanam Luang(The Royal Field)路上又有一堆小販,忍不住誘惑又買了個香腸,味道和我們熟知的香腸迥異,箇中滋味只能請大家自行體會。本想用走的去臥佛寺,天氣熱又有TukTuk車不停詢問,決定搭乘TukTuk車以30B的價格前往臥佛寺,沒想到下車後,司機拿了錢居然改口要80B(我給了他100B請他找,事實證明,以後遇這種狀況要準備好零錢),我坐在車上和他爭執,最後以40B成交。這個經驗讓我對TukTuk車有很大的反感,也算是被騙經驗2了。

臥佛的背面有一排類似銅鍋的東西,可以換零錢然後把零錢一個一個投進去祈福。幾乎在每間廟宇都有,你可以看到很多泰國人或是泰國小孩做這樣的動作。(若我是小孩,應該也會很喜歡做這件事。畢竟比較不覺得拜拜是件很無聊的事,跟阿媽每次拿金紙給我們燒一樣的道理,有參興感咩!)在赤道的泰國白日較長,五點鐘天色仍很亮,既然還有時間,就前往碼頭搭船到中國城(China Town)。水上交通果然是完全不塞,而且車掌小姐搖錢筒收費,也是令一種奇特景象。同為華人的我們,對於中國城市場不覺得有啥特別,稍微感受一下氣氛再回到Khao Shan Road去,找到著名的Tom Yung Kong餐廳享用泰式晚餐。晚餐後回Lamphu House把衣服拿去送洗(3件長褲及2雙臭襪子,約1.5kg),再去做個油壓,放鬆一下。

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  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 2
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 4
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 5
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 6 & Day 7
  • 曼谷行重點整理(有Excel檔下載Link)

Famous floating market, you must read it description almost in every Bangkok travel guides. We decide to take taxi to Sai Tai (Bangkok Southern Bus Station) and change bus to Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, then hire a boat for better experience the local floating markets and be a really independent traveler. Before that, we need to have a energizing starting, 7-11 croissant and yogurt drink as our breakfast. (Strongly recommended by other experienced Bangkok traveler)

Before entering bus station, you will be stopped by local people selling black bus (not official bus), keep talking to you in Thai. I think this is because we looks like Thai people, just keep walking and directly buy ticket in front of the window 2. You’d better go to toilet before you take the bus, 2 hours long bus trip.

You don’t need to worry about which stop to get off, bus service lady will remind you. You will find yourself dropped in front of the boat company, remember to bargain the boat price, normally whole boat cost 300 Baht 1 hour, we made a deal of 1 hour 20 minutes whole boat for 400 Baht, not very good but satisfied. You will see the bus drive away after you made the deal, I thought they have the commission between bus service lady and the boat company. If you don’t like the boat company or the deal they offer, you can walk to the floating markets or choose other boat company on the road. It’s really interesting on the floating boat, a lot souvenirs and food sellers, we keep eating whole the trip, delicious.

The bus to Bangkok is not the place you dropped off, you need to walk through the traffic light to the opposite direction where you come. No bus stop, you just stand on the road and raise your hand when you saw bus 996, it will stop and let you in. We also met another 2 Taiwan tourists, and have some chat, too happy we even missed one bus, you need to wait another 1 hour if you like us.

We plan to have lunch in Ching-Ki, but after the 2 hours bus back to Bangkok, we are already starving need to grab something to eat. Change the plan eat in the local restaurant near Sai Tai KFC, we even can not use English here. Order by finger, pay by writing down number, it’s a special experience for us. By the way, it’s cheap, 3 dishes and 1 drinks cost us 120 Baht.

You must not miss Grand palace when visiting Bangkok, gold, everywhere. You will be amazed by the work they made hundreds of years ago. After Grand Palace go to Wat Pho (Wat means Temple), we took Tuktuk instead of walking, because a fresh experience for us. But Tuktuk driver is another bad tout experience for us, he told us only need 30B from Grand Palace, but after we arrived ask for 100B, I argued with him on the Tuktuk, made the deal in 40B.

You will see a row of bronze pot, you can change the coins and drop your coins one in each pots. This is almost can be seen in every Thailand temple, pray for goodness, children like to do that. After Wat Pho we go to China Town, for Chinese, it seems not thing special in China Town. We take taxi back to Khao Shan Road and have a dinner in famous Tom Yung Kong restaurant, tehn send 3 pants and 2 pairs of socks to laundry service(totally 1.5 kg), don’t forget to have a massage after whole day trip.


C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 2

English Session Below.

New World Lodge Hotel對我而言不理想處就是冷氣不夠強和沒有吹風機,一早醒後,只好再洗一次澡和洗頭(男生頭髮短可能沒有那麼多困擾吧!),再去吃免費的Buffet早餐,回房收拾行李Check Out後背著背包前往大家極力推薦的Lamphu House(民宿)。兩周前利用Email預約了接下來三個晚上的房間,也因離Check In時間甚早,寄放背包後仍有時間認識周遭環境和打電話回家報平安。Check In後第一件事就是出門打打牙祭,Khao Shan Road上路邊小販隨處可見,先以Phad Thai和春捲做為午餐解決。接下來便招車前往恰都恰周末市場

這次的招車是旅途中被騙的第一次(意思也就是不只一次啦),和Taxi Driver說要去恰都恰周末市場,開了一陣子後,司機問說我們要去恰都恰1還是恰都恰2。這下子我可迷惑,不記得有人提到有兩個恰都恰啊!司機還說一個比較遠一個比較近。我只記得周末市場有個BTS站,跟司機指明要去Mo CHit BTS站的那個,地點對了,但司機說離開曼谷市區所以有另外surcharge 50 Baht,第一次聽到有點兒不知所措,和小民在車上討論後,還是坐這個司機的車,又開沒多久,他又問要不要走高速公路,但要另付過路費。之前看過大家說明知道過路費是乘客付是沒問題,但這樣子一趟下來到了恰都恰總共200 Baht,其實下車後也覺得有被騙的感覺(印象中大家說不到100 Baht),但已到了目的地也不能如何。到達後第一件事就是到Information Centre拿地圖和問服務人員司機說的surcharge是否真有其事,當然得到否定的答案。下次應該要用威脅司機要把他的車號和名字記下來拿去問Tourist Police,看看能不能得到一定的嚇阻作用。


午餐經濟實惠,晚餐當然要奢華一下。在Khao Shan Road上的La Casa吃著Pizza看著來來往往稀奇古怪的背包客們,不時參雜著小販的叫賣聲,也是挺有趣的晚餐秀。吃飽喝足後補給點日常用品(洗髮精等),再來個泰式按摩,一天的疲累一掃而空,曼谷就是個這麼奇妙的地方。

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  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 3
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 4
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 5
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 6 & Day 7
  • 曼谷行重點整理(有Excel檔下載Link)

New World Lodge Hotel for me the most inconvenient part is air-con not strong enough and not providing hair dryer. After wake up I need to take another shower and wash my hair (for man, short hair, should not have this kind of feeling), then eat free buffet lunch, actually my brunch. We checked out and head to Internet highly recommended guest house – Lamphu House. We booked the room for 3 nights using email 2 weeks ago, after that, we still have plenty of time to familiarize the environment and call home for safe notice. Of course you will be attracted by the street food, so do we, take Phad Thai and Spring roll as our lunch on Khao Shan Road. Next take taxi to Chatuchak weekend market.

We are touted by the taxi driver. We told him we want to go to Chatuchak, he turned and ask us Chatuchak 1 or Chatuchak 2. This time totally confused we didn’t remember there are 2 Chatuchak in Bangkok, he also explained one is in the city, another is outside of Bangkok need to add 50B surcharge and hopped on freeway need the 40B fee. We only know the one near the BTS Mot Chit, yes, finally arrived the weekend market we want to go, and cost us 200B. When arrived in the weekend market information centre 1st thing is to make sure surcharge fee is need or not, of course, no such thing, when we took the taxi back to Khao Shan only need no more than 100B, really an tout experience. Next time remember to record his Name, and car number, threat him I will report to tourist police.

Weekend market is very similar to Taiwan五分埔, but street much narrow and most stores don’t have air conditioning, you can imagine as human in the oven. Fortunately there are some coffee shops and drinks stalls, we can take a rest inside of it. You can buy your souvenirs here, don’t forget to bargain. Another drawback is difficult to take taxi, if you live near the BTS, it will not be a problem to you.

Lunch is economic, Dinner must be luxury. Eat pizza in La Casa (on Khao Shan Road), have a live dinner show of street stalls shouting and backpackers walk by, it is really interesting. Next have a Thai Massage and grocery shopping, what a wonderful place.

C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 1

English part Below.

趁著1 May台灣和新加坡都放假,和小民兩人分別出發在曼谷會合。行前做了不少功課,自助旅行總是會有些無法預期的意外產生,也為旅途增加不同的回憶。由於五一的連續假期,小民無法訂到星期五晚上由台灣出發前往曼谷航班,也為了省點旅費,改成星期六晚上出發,在曼谷機場會合。

利用泰國落地簽,花個1000泰銖享受快速通關感覺其實也挺好的。填寫Visa On Arrival申請書時,有個中國女生向我借筆,也請我幫忙她填入境表,因為她的英文真的不行,這實在也令我佩服她的勇氣,在英文不大行的狀況來這種地方旅遊。不過也幸好現在是五一大陸黃金周,一堆大陸人出國玩,我想要碰到會講中文的人也相對來得多。

和小民兩人都是第一次到曼谷,原以為曼谷機場和新加坡機場一樣是依照拖運行李不同航班不同belt的出口,出發前說定依航班的出口點會合,若是晚上十一點半仍無遇到,則改成在Meeting Point會合,若很不幸的在凌晨一點前仍沒碰到面,只好各自出發在飯店見面。由於我的班機比小民早到,一發現不對,改在Information Centre前等小民(都是Terminal 1幸好只有一個出口)也給我等到了。當然早到的人也有義務做些功課,先在Tourist Information Centre (領完行李出來後的4號櫃台)詢問一些當地的狀況,也拿些地圖或資料。當天值班的泰國服務人員叫做Kiatbordin Kaewpraparn 或直接縮稱為Din,和他聊了差不多有十來分鐘吧,他很熱心給我他的電話和Email,若有任何問題可以給他打電話,他可以帶我到處走,但由於我們家小民可能會吃醋,只能說有需要會聯繫請他幫忙。一抵達泰國遇到這麼熱心的人,真的令人安心許多。

在曼谷機場坐Taxi,經由許多前輩在網路上分享的經驗,直奔3F出境大廳外招車(省掉50 Baht的排班計程車費用)謹記著Meter是不二法門,也算讓我們坐去New World Lodge Hotel-第一晚的住宿飯店。本想全程都住民宿,但大部分民宿都不允許在晚上六點後無先付款而Check in,才以便宜飯店作為第一晚選擇。再到附近小吃店吃夜宵,很有台灣"海產攤"(台語)的感覺,不過當然是泰式小吃囉!Phad Thai, Som Tam 加個飲料就是第一晚的宵夜啦!

泰國曼谷行相關文章 Thailand Bangkok trip Link

  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 2
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 3
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 4
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 5
  • C歌曼舞-泰新奇 2006 Bangkok Day 6 & Day 7
  • 曼谷行重點整理(有Excel檔下載Link)

1-May is a public holiday both in Taiwan and Singapore, Min and I flew from different location but meet each other in Bangkok. We did a lot homework before this trip, independent travel always has unexpected accident but only increase more fun. For saving flight ticket money and Friday flight difficult booking, we flew on Saturday and start our Bangkok trip.

You can have an express custom check using visa on arrival (1000 Baht). There’s a China girl borrow pen from me and ask me to help her fill the arrival application form because of her poor English, this let me very admire her courage, after all, you need to survive in this non-Chinese country, but she was lucky because 1-May is the golden holiday of China, bunch of China people have an oversea travel, she could meet plenty of Chinese speaking tourists.

Min and I both first arrive in Bangkok, we thought the airport should be the same as Singapore we could meet each other in the luggage belt gate. We has a plan if we could not meet each other in front of the gate before 11:30 pm, 2nd meeting spot will be the Terminal 1 Arrival Hall Meeting Point, if not meet each other before 1:00 am, then directly take MRT to hotel. My arrival is earlier than Min, when found the plan will be total different than we expected, I changed the meeting point directly wait him in front of the exit (Information Centre). Before that I need to understand more information about Bangkok and get more documentations or city map, that day service counter is a Thai person called Kiatbordin Kaewpraparn or just called him Din, he is very kind and gave me a lot useful information even left his phone number and email to me. Make me feel great about this country.

Taxi taking experience in Bangkok airport shared by the internet told us using meter and saved money by hiring outside of the departure hall, we can save 50B schedule fee. The 1st night we will stay in New World Lodge Hotel, originally we all want to live in Guest House during whole trip, but most of them not allow to check in without pay after 6:00pm, change the mind and choose the cheap hotel as our 1st stay. After check in we go out to have some lat snack-Thai restaurant, kind of the feeling of Taiwan seafood stall. Phad Thai, Som Tam and plus drinks, yummy!

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