** 公告 **

*2008-9-2 Update Picasa, Manly Scenic Walkway

*2008-9-2 Update 想烤蕃薯的星C客 (CC Life Blog), Manly Scenic Walkway



Turkey Trip Preparation

Turkey Trip Preparation 土耳其行備用資料

Visa Information: (簽證)
  • 簽證,需向土國駐台貿易辦事處 (110台北市基隆路 1段333號19樓1905室;TEL: 2757-7318 FAX: 2757-9432)或土駐世界各國使領館申辦。土國駐台辦事處上班時間為週一至週五每天上午 9 時至下午 5 時, 發件時間為2個工作天,旅行團一律由旅行社代辦。
    • 護照及影本
    • 二吋照片一張
    • 身份證(及其影本)
    • 二個工作日(eg. 星期一送件, 星期三取件)
  • Visa apply in Singapore, Embassy http://www.turkishembassy.org.sg/english/consular/consularvisa.htm
    2 Shenton Way, SGX Centre 1 #10-03 ,Singapore 068804
    (Bus 196: Shenton Way - uic Bldg), Price S$61 (39 ABD)
    Submission Time: 9:30am - 12:00am, Collection Time: 2:40pm - 4:00pm
    New Shan Travel 代辦, http://www.newshan.com/visa_africa.asp#2 Price S$70+S$21.4
    Lead Travel Hamed Ahmad 代辦 98572928
    Visa Application form http://www.turkishembassy.org.sg/english/Visa_Application_Form.doc
    Documentation Need:
    • Passport
    • Visa Application Form
    • 1 passport size photo
    • documentation supporting the travel (such. airtickets, hotel, etc.)
    • PR
    • Employment letter
    • bank statement
    • marriage certificate

Currency Information:(貨幣)
  • http://chinese.finance.yahoo.com/m3?u
  • 外幣在土國以美金及歐元較為通行,飯店及商店不接受台幣付款。國內發行之信用卡在土國各大城市可使用。
  • 有外幣也可先在機場做小額換匯.
    goreme ATM,銀行.PTT都有,ADSL無線網路更是普及.
    換匯在銀行PTT都有,如果遇到假日真的沒辦法也可跟當地人私下換匯,只是要問清楚他們換算的匯率. http://www.showtvnet.com/ 有一個橫框框就是她們的匯率,只是買進賣出會看各家銀行標準不一差一點,給你參考.
  • 換美金再換成土耳其幣是比較划算的
  • 伊斯坦堡的埃及市場裏換錢匯率最好
  • 在新城最熱鬧Istiklal Cad上有很多家匯兌中心,匯率都還不錯

土耳其插座 http://kropla.com/!f.htm
  • 雖是歐規兩圓孔形式,但還是有可能買錯,
    土耳其插座 適用的轉接插頭
    Image Image

Air ticket

Turkish Airline
  • Istanbul Airport
    Telephone: 212-463 63 63
    Telex: ISTKSTK
    Telephone: 212-463 63 63 EXT3118
    Telex: ISTTGTK
    Working Hours: Weekdays: 07.00 - 22.45, Sat & Sun: 07.00 - 22.45
  • Kayseri AIRPORT
    Telephone: 352-338 33 53
    Working Hours: Sunday: 08:30-11:00/18:00-21:00
  • Kayesri SALES OFFICE
    Telephone: 352-222 38 58
    Telex: ASRKZTK 49541
    E-Mail: asrtztk@ttnet.net.tr
    Working Hours: Weekdays: 08:30-17:30, Saturday: 08:30-17:30, Sunday: Closed
  • Bodrum CARGO - Milas Bodrum Airport
    Telephone: 252-523 01 01/EXT-1411
    E-Mail: bodistmd@thy.com
    Telephone: 252-317 12 03/04
    Telex: BXNTZTK
    E-Mail: bodistmd@thy.com
    Working Hours:Weekdays: 08:30-17:30, Saturday: 08:30-13:00, Sunday: Closed
  • Lost & Found Procedures

Emergency Contact:
  • 土耳其貿易辦事處 (駐台機構)
    地址(中文) 110台北市基隆路1段333號19樓1905室
    地址(英文) Rm 1905, 19F,333 Keelung Rd., Sec.1, Taipei, Taiwan, 110, R.O.C.
    電話 2757-7318
    傳真 2757-9432
    土耳其政府網址 www.mfa.gov.tr/
  • 駐土耳其代表處 (駐安卡拉台北經濟文化代表團)
    Taipei Economic and Cultural Mission in Ankara, Turkey
    Address: Resit Galip Cad. Rabat Sok. No. 16 G.O.P. 06700 Ankara Turkey
    電話:+90-312- 4367255~6, 土國境內:(0312) 4367255~6
    傳真:+90-312- 4478465
    行動電話:+90-532- 3227162, 土國境內:0532-3227162, Email: tur@mofa.gov.tw
    受理領務申請案件時間:週一 ~ 五
    取件:同日下午四時取件時差: 較台灣時間慢6小時(4-10月慢5小時)
    街道圖路徑: http://www.boca.gov.tw/public/Data/582418203271.gif
  • 旅外國人動態登錄網頁 (出發前做登錄) http://www.boca.gov.tw/sp.asp?xdURL=travelinfo/travelinfo.asp&CtNodeID=58
  • General Consulate of Singapore in Istanbul, Turkey (Singapore Embassy in Istanbul, Turkey)
    Kazim Ozalp Sokak 28/8 Saskinbakkal, 81070 Istanbul, Turkey
    Phone: (90 216) 358 0133
    Fax: (90 216) 350 8619
    Email: mparan@superonline.com
  • Australian Embassy, Turkey
    MNG Building, Ugur Mumcu Caddesi No: 88, 7th floor, Gaziosmanpasa 06700, Ankara, Turkey
    Postal Address: P.O. Box 32, Çankaya 06552, Ankara, TURKEY
    Phone: +90 312 459 9500
    Fax: +90 312 446 4827, +90 312 459 9560
    Website: http://www.turkey.embassy.gov.au/
    DFAT E-mail: anka.passports@dfat.gov.au
    DIMA E-mail: dima-ankara@dfat.gov.au
    Embassy office hours, Monday to Friday 08:30 - 16.51 (closed for lunch 12.30 - 13.30)
    Australian Consulate General
    address: Asker Ocagi Cad. No: 15, Elmadag Sisli 34367, Istanbul, TURKEY
    Phone: (90-212) 243 13 33
    FAX: (90-212) 243 13 32
    Consular services hours, Monday to Friday between 08.30 and 16.45.
    For emergency consular assistance out of office hours Australians should call the Consular Emergency Centre on 61 2 6261 3305. From Turkey a reverse charge call can be made through Telstra Direct on 00800611177.
  • 土耳其境內緊急聯絡電話
    救護車: 112 報警:155
    火警:110 停電:186
    交通事故:154 瓦斯漏氣:187
  • 保險公司海外急難救助相關資訊
    • 國際紐約人壽對方付費,十二大項急難服務-Print out
      Worldwide +886-22326-3490 華語、台語、英語
      新加坡直撥 001-800-2700-7700 華語、台語、英語
      美國直撥 011-800-2700-7700 華語、台語
      大陸直撥 00-800-2700-7700 華語、台語
      (緊急醫療諮詢與派遣醫師, 特殊醫療用品專送, 協助入院、醫療狀況追蹤,代墊住院醫療費用-美金五千元之限額內,先行墊付持卡人住院醫療費用, 醫療轉送-一般持卡人每人最高美金五千五百元, 親友探訪-人因意外傷害或突發疾病住院逾七日以上者,可要求親友探訪, 指定在台親友一人經濟艙來回機票一張, 並補助旅館住宿費用,每天最高美金三百元(憑發票實報實銷),最多補助美金一千五百元, 出院後療養-因意外傷害或突發疾病入院治療,經主治醫師及本公司特約服務機構所屬醫師共同認定出院後須就近醫療時,將安排持卡人至旅館住宿,每天最高美金三百元,一般持卡人最多補助美金一千五百元, 協助隨行未滿18歲子女返國, 出院返國-本公司之特約服務機構將安排持卡人搭乘定期班機(經濟艙)返國,並負擔機票及往返機場之運輸費用, 遺體\骨灰運送或當地禮葬, 事後安排, 法律協助與代墊保釋金, 旅遊及行前服務)
    • 保誠人壽,PDF -Print out
      Worldwide +886-2-2536-0077
      對方付費 +886-2-2536-0077
    • 對方付費電話 Please, make a "collect-call" to Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Police 155, rural gendarmerie 156, traffice police 154, fire brigade 110, rural forest fires 177, ambulance 112.
    (It cost 1 small jeton or 1 card unit)

  • 申請醫療保險金
    (1) 保險金申請書
    (2) 診斷證明書
    (3) 醫療費用收據正本及費用明細表
    (4) X光片
  • 全球購物保障
  • 班機延誤費用
  • 行李延誤費用,行李遺失費用

Health Information
  • 健保-就醫費用核退
    * 在國外發生緊急傷病就醫,其核退期限應自急診、門診治療當日或出院日起6個月內辦理 ,逾期不予核退。
    若無法於6個月內回國,可以郵寄相關核退証件,由家屬幫忙透過投保單位向所在地的健保分局申請核退。 其核退費用証件包括:
    * 全民健康保險自墊醫療費用核退申請書(96.02.26更新).Doc File 全民健康保險自墊醫療費用核退申請書(96.02.26更新)-pdf格式(另開視窗).
    * 醫療費用收據正本、費用明細
    * 醫生診斷書(如為外文文件,應附中文翻譯,但英文例外)
    * 當次出入境證明文件影本或服務機關出具的證明
    * 委託書(切結書)-當欲申請之民眾還在國外停留,無法馬上回國,請家人代為辦理時,才需附上。
  • 醫療保險-緊急就醫費用核退

  • 中華電信直通台灣電話 (Taiwan Direct)
    Turkey 00-800-886-4040 費率(每6秒) NT$3
  • Starhub 直通新加坡電話
    *108*65 Tel# (每分鐘) S$2.5
    Outgoing Call Charges(每分鐘), Call SG S$5, Local Outgoing Call S$2, International S$4
    Incoming Call Charges(每分鐘), Receive Call S$2.5
    SMS Send S$0.6, Receive Free
    GPRS/3G S$0.02/KB
  • 如何由土耳其撥回台灣 00 + 886 + Tel
  • 如何由台灣撥至土耳其 009 + 90+ Tel or 019 + 90+ Tel

Credit Card
  • HSBC Emergency and travel assistance hotlines
    Global 24 Hour Toll-free numbers - For HSBC Premier credit card (US numbers)
    English: (1) 314-275 6781
    Mandarin: (1) 314-275 6779
    24-hour Customer Service Hotline
    In Singapore: 1800-HSBC NOW (4722 669)
    From Overseas: (65) 6-HSBC NOW (4722 669)
    Travel Inconvenience Insurance (LINK)
    • Missed flight(>4hr, hotel,meal) S$400(alone),S$800(w family)
    • Luggage delay(>6hr, clothes,requisites) S$400(alone),S$800(w family)
    • Flight luggage loss (>48hr, clothes,requisites) S$1,000(alone),S$2,000(w family)
    • Repatriation in event of death S$4,000(alone),S$8,000(w family)
  • 花旗信用卡
    花旗土耳其直撥免付費電話 008-008-8690-1002
    信用卡旅遊不便保險 (由富邦產物保險股份有限公司負責)
    • 全球購物保障 (30日內,因發生強盜、搶奪、竊盜、意外毀損或意外遺失所致之損失,扣除自負額後賠付, prereq: 以有效花旗支付所購買物品之全部價款)
    • 每一項目NT$175,000,每一事故NT$105萬
    • 班機延誤 NT$1萬 (>4hr, 膳食、住宿或交通,限以花旗信用卡簽付者)
    • 行李延誤 NT$1萬 (>6hr, 緊急購買日用必需品之費用及提領行李之交通費用,限以花旗信用卡簽付者)
    • 行李遺失 NT$3萬 (>24hr, 衣物及其他日用必需品之費用,限以花旗信用卡簽付者)
    • 傷害醫療費用 NT$30萬 (超過社會保險給付部份,給付實支實付醫療保險金,prereq:以有效之花旗支付全額之已確認班次之來回公共運輸工具費用)
  • 新光銀行信用卡
    Toll Free:0800-081-108或02-2171-1055
    • 全球購物保障 (30日內,因發生強盜、搶奪、竊盜、未列明於本保險契約不保項目之其他原因,賠付, 每一物品之給付金額以修復或重新購置該物品所需之費用孰低者為限,但不得超過簽帳單記載該項物品之簽帳金額。)
    • 班機延誤 NT$1萬, w Family NT$2萬(>4hr, 在出發地或轉機失接地支付合理且必要之住宿、膳食費用、住宿費用、來往機場)
    • 行李延誤 NT$1萬, w Family NT$2萬 (>6hr, 買衣物及其他必需品之費用)
    • 行李遺失 NT$3萬, w Family NT$6萬 (>24hr, 買衣物及其他必需品之費用)
  • VISA卡
    VISA全球緊急服務中心免付費電話(collect call):612-9251-3704 或1-410-581-9994
    Turkey地區免付費服務電話: 00-800-13-535-0900
    Turkey地區免付費服務電話: 00-800-13-887-0903
    collect call)為當地國碼+ 1-636-722-7111

Postal Service
  • Posting slots label
    yurtdışı - overseas, şehiriçi - local, yurtiçi - inland
  • PTT http://www.ptt.gov.tr

Turkey Link

Shopping Tips
  • 先看他的給你的價錢.他會逼問你要用多少錢買.然後可以表現你喜歡.但只考慮.最後再直接把你要殺的價錢給他.不賣就算了.
  • 惡魔之眼 埃及市場
    (在土耳其什麼都是可以殺價的 ,大約是牌價的6~7折最容易成交)
  • 單色的披肩不管有沒有含絲獲百分之百的喀什米爾羊毛.都是10里拉左右.(如果買超過五六條再跟他多殺一里拉)
  • 到了土耳其,要貨比三家(除了公家機關的地方,例如博物館,輕軌電車),更要殺價,我在室內大市集的殺價原則是三折。你參考之。
  • 埃及市場 比大市集小種類少,但較便宜,市場後面又比市場裏面便宜,還有便宜又好吃的烤肉店,土耳其咖啡粉的老店也在此

  • Istanbul
    沿著那一條街一直往上走就可以看到囉(這邊的東西ex.乾果類, 比市場內便宜很多哦),
  • Amasya 的河邊(新城那邊)有很多出售自制 icecream 的店家. 每杯1YTL, 可挑三種味道, 加上朱古力和花生呢! 檸檬味真的十分好吃 (像 sherbet) 其他還可
  • 店名:inci PASTANESI
    地址:istiklal Cad. 124-2 Beyoğlu-iSTANBUL
  • 如果在伊斯坦堡搭定期船到ANADOLU,城堡不錯,景色也佳,但千萬別在港口邊的餐廰吃中飯,我竟吃了一餐27YLT的中餐
  • Lahmacun與Pide不太一樣,L的皮薄餡細,PIDE則是皮稍厚上面的餡則可選擇變化較多,通常 小塊羊肉餡的比較好吃(Kusbasli kuzu eti Pide),另外還有純起士的也不錯(Kasarli Pide)參考看看。順便一提,推薦有家就位於SULTANAHMET電車站附近巷內的一家PIDE店十分到地,通常只有LOCAL人去吃,是從專門以此 食聞名的城市KAYSERI來的師傅開的,店名應該是DEVELI,有經過的話可以找找看。
  • Goreme

土耳其觀光區騙術伎倆條例 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/viewtopic.php?t=71638&highlight=
  • 藍色清真寺附近有穿古裝扛大古典果汁壺的小販,接近他時,他就給一杯塑膠杯.這可是玉液瓊漿價位,五里拉起~12歐~40里都有紀錄.
  • 跟你謊稱蒐集世界各國硬幣的擦鞋小販,以擦鞋酬謝你送他台灣硬幣,不過他仁兄只送一隻腳,擦到第二隻腳時才說要自費,5里拉~20里拉
  • 計程車能免則免,跳表繞路小事,人少盡量不要搭,不是怕被賣掉,是議價後還是會載你到另一個名字相似的招牌下
  • 伊斯坦堡新城區有扒竊集團,專找觀光客下手,出沒新城區人潮洶湧的迪旺街一帶,記得錢包放在腹部前,放背後背包是意思歡迎大家來扒.(伊斯坦堡 新城區)
  • 巴士常有轉乘或末班轉乘用迷你巴士的情況,記得車票目的地買到哪就要坐到哪,不用在付錢,小巴說要付錢,請亮票拒絕付額外款.棉堡前的Denzli跟 goreme前的neveshir都會發生掮客趁機連哄代騙拐走旅客,不要搭理.請巴士司機或亮票請巴士公司負責把你送抵目的地為止,態度要堅決,不然有 時他們會希望你被綁走,巴士免開也可偷懶.(棉堡.卡帕多奇亞)
  • 土幣里拉,歐元美金滿天飛.餐廳菜單沒幣別~還有check in旅館報價是里拉,check out時,價位不變幣別變外幣.問價時.數目後的''尾音''要聽清楚.有誤會不用客氣找警察看誰聽錯.(觀光城鎮)
  • 女背包注意:亞洲單人女性是最常被鎖定目標,兩女一組其次.
    英文超溜.親切俊美梳油頭的大帥哥,八九不離十,地毯掮客旅行社掮客.說要跟你練英文,去他家喝茶參觀他店裡的地毯.然後說要來台灣見你家人,要 跟你提親,因為將要成為親家用賠本價錢台幣10萬起跳賣給你這亞洲漂亮寶貝.....別傻了,你的荷包跟信用卡才是他的寶貝!(伊斯坦堡)
  • 男背包注意:亞洲單人男性是常被鎖定目標.不要以為哥兒們聊天不會怎樣,逮吉及不會大條,隨便跟路人甲乙去bar喝喝小酒,幾杯啤酒帳單可是台幣上萬元起跳,連黑店小姐回眸一顰,小手都沒摸,就得付夜渡資.(依斯坦堡新城區)
  • 對於吃的東西,要小心!! 被人家拉進店裡請喝飲料 ,千萬不要不好意思,一定要叫他先喝給你看,不然你大可說 謝謝 tes ederim 就走了,不要怕 !!!!
  • 假觀光客 vs 真觀光客

Hotel Information (backup)
  • Traveler's Cave Pension

    located in the center of Göreme, 5 minutes walking distance from the main bus station. The pension is set in the middle of breathtaking surroundings with spectacular panoramic views of Göreme.

    Address: Gaferli Mah. No:28 - 50180 Goreme / TURKEY

    Tel: (90 384) 271 2707 - Fax: (90 384) 271 2624 - info@travellerscave.com
    Double Room 30 TRY, Quad Room 50 TRY, pickup from kayseri airport 90YTL/car
    facilities: Breakfast Included, Restaurant, Internet Access, Laundry, Airport Pick Up, Bicycle Hire, Linen Included, Credit Cards Accepted, Bar, Towels, Security Lockers, Luggage Storage, Guest Kitchen, Telephone/Fax Facilities, 24 Hour Reception, Travel Desk/Travel Info, Common Room , Bike Parking, BBQ Area

  • Shoe String Cave Pension
    ShoeString is near the centre of Göreme, a few minutes walk (sign-posted) from the bus station. You can phone free from the Accommodation Office there. If you arrive at any other bus station in Cappadocia you can phone us anytime for a free pick up.
    Room with ensuite shower and toilet 9 EUR/person, Dorm 6 EUR/person.
    discount for advance reservation.
    Phone & Fax: +90 384 271 24 50, Mobile: +90 535 947 92 10, info@shoestringcave.com

  • Emre Cave House
    located in centre of Göreme village. We are also near the local school.
Double Room 15 TRY/person, Quad Room 11 TRY/person
Facility: Laundry, Bicycle Hire, Linen Included, Towels, Swimming Pool, Guest Kitchen, Bureau de change, Common Room, Bike Parking, BBQ Area, Free Internet Access, 24 hours check in

  • Motek MUSTAFA(Pension)
    Tel: (0258) 272 22 40, Tel & Fax: 272 28 30, email: motelmustafa@hotmail.com。雙人房並含晚餐和隔日早餐,優惠價45 YTL。

  • Hotel Dort Mevsim
    Hasan Tahsin Cad no 19, Pamukkale Village. a few minutes walk from the white terraces and ancient city of Hiearapolis. We are the only Bacpackers place in the town. All our rooms have private bathrooms and W.C with a bathtub, hot water 24 hours a day. We have a large pool which is filled with natural Pamukkale spring water, a perfect place to cool off on a hot day. If you let us know when you arriwing we willl pick you up free of charge from the @ any bus or train statýn
    All hot drinks are free at MUHAMMET,S GUEST HOUSE
    Double Room 11.5 TRY/person, quad room 9.4 TRY/person

  • Venus Hotel
    located in the pleasant village of Pamukkale. We have a gardened courtyard, private swimming pool, free internet access, international phone and fax facilities, free transfer from bus station. All our rooms have modern bathrooms with 24 hour hot water, are tastefully decorated, have airconditioning and hairdriers and access to free high speed wireless internet connection. Two of the floors have rooms with private balconies, with views of Pamukkale's famous traventines and our tranquil garden-pool area, or from others you could catch a glimpse of the picturesque mountains.
    Double Bed 21 TRY/person.

  • Allgau Hotel and Pension
    The property features a large garden, at its centre there is a large swimming pool. Each comfortable room has an ensuite with 24 hour solar hot water. Allgau (Melrose) Hotel is a ten minute walk to the famous thermal spa Pamukkale (Cotton Castle) and the Roman ruins of Heiropolis.
    Facility: Wifi in lobby/Room, Restaurant, Laundry, Airport Pick Up, Linen Included, Credit Cards Accepted, Bar, Towels, Security Lockers, Luggage Storage, Swimming Pool, Telephone/Fax Facilities, 24 Hour reception, Bike Parking, BBQ Area, Free Internet Access, 24 hours check in, Air Conditioning
    Double Room 18 TRY/person, Quad Room 14.5 TRY/person

Selcuk Izmir
  • Hotel Bella
    Ataturk Mah. St. John Street No:7 Selcuk Izmir / TURKEY
    Phone: 0090 232 892 3944 Fax: 0090 232 892 0344
    Once you reach Otogar (main bus station) locate Ataturk Caddesi or ask anyone at station. Turn right onto Ataturk Caddesi walk approx 250-300 mtrs, on left is St. John Caddesi. Come to nearly top of hill we are on left. It will take you approx 8 mıns walk from Otogar.
    Tariff: 60 YTL per room per night (includes breakfast)
    Facility: Free Internet service. Free Exchange library (different languages available). Reasonably priced hotel laundry service. Free
    Nargile when relaxing in restaurant lounge.
    We can provide free transfer service from the hotel to Ephesus, drop off and pick up. If you wish to visit Seven Sleepers we will take
    you there. While there you may wish to sample freshly made Gozleme pancakes and Temple of Artemis.
    Within easy 5 min walk from the hotel, St Johns Basilica, Isabey Mosque, Selcuk Museum for viewing the original Artemis statue, local
    Hamam (Turkish Bath), On Saturday, big local outdoor market . During the months March through to September, we offer free viewing of the storks nesting across the road!!!! We will take photographs for you, (on your camera), and no extra charge!!!!!

  • ANZ Guesthouse
    ANZ Guesthouse - rooms and rates.http://www.anzguesthouse.com/
    tel (90) 232-892-6050 fax (90) 232-892-1594

    Once you arrive at the Selçuk bus station, follow our signs. It should take you under 5 minutes to get to our door. (See the map below)
    We usually have staff, wearing ANZ name tags, waiting for guests at the station.
    Double Room 22.5 EUR
    Facility: Bicycles for exploring the Selçuk area or going to Pamucak Beach,Dinner on our roof-top terrace,Drinks on our roof-top bar,Rides to Ephesus, Rides to the beach, Laundry,Internet,International telephone and fax,Transportation to Sirence, Bus tickets, Book exchange, Digital satellite TV, English-language movies (over 100 titles), Luggage storage,A safe for storing your valuables, Receive mail or parcels,Translation assistance (medical and non-medical), Games
    Getting to ANZ guesthouse from the bus station.View a printable version (PDF) of this map.

  • Varder pension
    Atatürk Mahalesi, Sahabeddindede caddesi no 9,Selcuk/izmir TURKEY
    Tel.: (90) 232 892 4967, Fax.: (90) 232 892 0099
    10 YTL/person
    It's only 5 minutes by feet to the trainstation or busterminal.

    This is the place where breakfast and optional dinner is served. At night we can all have a sit and a drink if you would like to. Of course you will be applied with hot water 24 hour a day. Every room has got a balcony and you can choose between single and double beds.

  • Hotel Kalender
    Eskicesme Mah Bitez Sk No:15, Gumbet Bodrum / TURKEY
    Phone: 0090 252 316 4685, Fax: 0090 252 316 8931, info@hotelkalender.com

    We provide a free service from the bus station and ferry. The hotel is 35km and 30 minutes from the airport. Airport transfer costs 17 YTL /person if up to 4 people.
    We are only 2.5km away from Bodrum Bus station and only 10 minutes by foot from a very good beach and 5 minutes from big stores Market Gima and Migros.We provide good home cooked turkish dinner and BBQ (10 YTL).
    Facility: Swimming Pool, Restaurant & Bar “Bar open from 1:00pm till midnight”, W.C/shower/TV in all rooms, Airconditioned rooms available, T.V and Free movies twice a day, Dinner and Breakfast service "Breakfast from 8.00am until 10.00am" & "Dinner from 7.00pm until 9.00pm", Happy hour from 9.00pm until 10.00pm, Free pick up service from the Harbour and Bus stations, Belly Dancing Turkish Night, 10 minute walk to beaches.
    Double Room (inc. Breakfast) 45 YTL,不在Bodrum市中心,坐計程車約10 YTL。

    Double Room (inc. Breakfast & Dinner) 18 EUR/person, 4-bed Room (inc. Breakfast & Dinner) 14 EUR/person
    Note: Prices are with out Air Conditioner, Upgrade to an Air Conditioned room please add Euro:5 Per room

  • Bodrum Backpackers
    31B Atatuk St
    Only 100 metres from the beach and world renouned Bodrum nightlife, Bodrum Backpackers is the place for people who want to get the most out of their Bodrum experience
    Facilities: Breakfast Included, Restaurant, Internet Access, Laundry, Airport Pick Up, Bicycle Hire, Linen Included, Credit Cards Accepted, Bar, Towels, Security Lockers, Luggage Storage, Swimming Pool, Telephone/Fax Facilities, Bureau de Change, Common Room, Bike Parking, BBQ Area, Taxes included in price, Free Internet Access, Gym, Concierge, Nightclub, 24 hours check in, Fans and heating are also available.
    Double bed Room 20 TRY/person, 4-Bed Room 15 TRY/person


    Uckuyular St. No:18 , Bodrum / Turkiye
    Tel : +90 252 316522, Fax : +90 252 3137391
    E-mail : info@hotelgulec.com, hotelgulec@hotmail.com
    This charming retreat offers 18 comfortable rooms (40 beds) to quest who find delight in the trill of birds chirping in tangerine trees, an atmosphere that is not available in any other centrally located establishment. Each room has a shower/WC and air-conditioning with continuous hot water. A breakfast room and a bar enfolded in greenery are intimately inviting as is the Tv lounge available for your enjoyment. Open throughout the year.
    5 min to the Bus Station on foot, 5 min to the Local Blue Flagged Beach on foot

  • Merve Park Suites Hotel
    Atatürk Caddesi 73 48400 Bodrum/Muğla
    Phone: +90(252) 313 70 13 - 313 70 15, Gsm: +90(532)261 63 52 - (533)498 82 64,
    Fax: +90(252)313 71 30, info@mervesuiteshotel.com
    Merve Park Suites Hotel is a beautifully decorated four season hotel with heated 17 Rooms and 2 Suites.
    Facility: Hair dry in room, Cable, SatelliteTV, Air Condition, Safety Box at Room, telephone, minibar, Internet, Garden Laundry, Swimming pool
    average price US$65

  • Hotel Inter
    Mithatpasa Cad. Buyuk Haydar Efendi Sok. No: 29 Beyazit 34490 ISTANBUL-TURKEY
    Tel: (+90 212) 518 35 35 (3 lines) Fax: (+90 212) 518 35 38, info@hotelinteristanbul.com
    Situated in the Beyazıt district. stands right across the GRAND BAZAAR and within walking distance to the historical highlights of Istanbul.Blue Mosque,Saint Sophia Museum and Topkapi Palace.Underground Cistern,Spice Market,and many more... offers her guests a perfect location for exploring the old city and all its major sights.

    Facility: Fully-Aircon, rivate Bathroom, Shower or Bathtub, Lcd Satellite TV, Safe-Box, Free High Speed Internet Access, Complimentary Open-Buffet Breakfast, Internet PC in lobby, Airport Shuttle Service to/from Hotel
    2xDouble Room with Breakfast Room Rate 40 Euros (36 Euros in cash) daily. <Open-Buffet Breakfast&VAT&All Taxes Included>

    Free pick-up and Drop off to Istanbul Ataturk airport above 5 nights stay.

    kbiyik Caddesi, Adliye Sokak, No: 3, Sultanahmet 34122 Istanbul/Turkey
    Tel: (90)(212) 516 48 69, (90)(212)458 15 64, Fax: (90)(212) 458 22 48
    (Reservation Manager: Suleyman Karakus)
    Facility: Private Bathroom, Air-con, Private Safe, Hairdryer, Direct dialphone, 24 hr Reception and more.
    The Hotel is only 2-3 minutes walk to Istanbul's most famous sites such as The Topkapi Palace, The Saint Sophia, The Blue Mosque,Underground cistern etc...
    Double Room 50 EUR, Airport pick up 15 EUR

  • Hippodrome hotel (Lisa Strongly recommended)

    Mimar Mehmet Aga Cad. No:38 Sultanahmet / Istanbul
    Phone: +90 212 517 45 29 - 517 68 89, Fax: +90 212 516 02 68, hippodrome@hippodromehotel.com

    At the heart of the old city Istanbul... Located in the old city center, Sultanahmet, HOTEL HIPPODROME gives you the advantages of being in walking distance to many historical attractions such as Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, Hippodrome, Underground Cistern, Grand Bazaar, Spice Bazaar etc. Hippodrome Hotel is just 5 km. away from Taksim and Airport is 15 km away from our Hotel.
    Facilities/Services: FREE Airport Transfer, Multilingual Staff, FREE Wireless Internet Access, Looby Bar, Airy Terrace Restaurant, Complimentary Buffet Breakfast, 24 hour room Service, City - Anatolia Tour Booking, Complimentary safe deposit boxes
    Double Room 65 EUR, Airport pickup free (PS. Lisa和她朋友殺價殺到45EUR)

  • Alp Guesthouse
    Akbiyik Caddesi Adliye Sokak No: 4, Cankurtaran Mahallesi, Sultanahmet, Istanbul, TURKEY
    Phone: +90 212 517 70 67, Fax: +90 212 517 95 70, info@alpguesthouse.com

    Room Properties: Comfortable, Ottoman-style beds, Air conditioning,TV, Internet connection (both wireless & wire), Refrigerator, Hair Dryer, Safe, Private bathroom & shower with 24/7 hot water, Phone

    Hotel Properties: Open 24/7, Breakfast everyday from 8 AM to 11 AM in our terrace, Optional airport transport service

    Double Room 65 Euros

  • Side Hotel


    Utangac Sokak (Street) No:20, 34400 (Front of the Four Seasons Hotel),Sultanahmet
    Phones : +90 212 458 58 70, +90 212 517 22 82, Email : info@sidehotel.com
    Shuttle transfer from Ataturk airport to our hotel. Costs are ; night time 30 euro, day time 25 euro (1-3 person).
    By public transport: the HAVAS bus leaves from outside the airport doors. Take it to AKSARAY and then take the tram (direction: EMiNONU). Get off the tram at SULTANAHMET and walk in front of The Aya Sofya (the big red domed building) towards the Four Seasons Hotel. About 300m total, cost should be around $4-$5 per person. Utangac Sokak is directly opposite the front entrance to the Four Seasons.
    Just 50 meters from the Aya Sofya and the Blue Mosque, near the Yerebatan Cistern and 100m from Topkapi Palace, the Side Pension and the Side Hotel have a long-standing reputation to uphold.
    Side Pension Double Room with bathroom 45 EUR, Side Hotel with bathroom 60 EUR (A/C 70 EUR),
    Side Hotel Apartment (w A/C) for 4 person 95 EUR, Side Pension Apartment for 4 person 80 EUR.


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